Video Review: Suspiria

The 1977 Italian movie Suspiria is a masterpiece of Eurohorror. I’m don’t recall where I read that quotation, and I won’t even swear under oath that I’m remembering it verbatim, but I remember the word masterpiece, and I remember Eurohorror, because it’s the first time I’ve seen the word. What I didn’t remember, until recently,… Continue reading Video Review: Suspiria

Movie Journal: The Lovers (1958)

In 1959 the Heights Art Movie Theater in Cleveland showed the French film Les Amants (The Lovers). The theater manager, Nico Jacobellis, was promptly arrested for showing obscenity, convicted, and fined $2,500. Justice served! Menace to society punished! Not so fast. In 1964, when Jacobellis v. Ohio went before the United States Supreme Court, the… Continue reading Movie Journal: The Lovers (1958)